Board of Stewardship


The objectives of this Board shall be to initiate programs for the development of good

stewardship attitudes in the members of the Congregation in regard to time, talents, and

treasures and to provide for the training and utilization of members of the Congregation for

the work of Christ’s Kingdom.

It shall be the duty of the Board to:

1. Oversee the work of assimilation within the congregation;

2. Discover the talents of the members and enlist them in congregational programs;

3. Provide leadership in the training of lay workers in stewardship;

4. Fully inform the members of their local Congregation’s programs and opportunities to

strengthen their outreach into all the world through District and Synod;

5. Give the Congregation a clear vision of the world’s need of Christ and how they can

assist in supplying that need; and

6. Instruct the people in the grace of proportionate giving to God’s work in their own

parish and in the world and to help them in keeping their pledges during the course of

the year.

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