Church Council
The Church Council shall consist of all Officers. The Pastor(s) shall be a non-voting member of the Church Council. The Church Council shall: A. Meet at least quarterly or additionally as called by the Executive Committee to review all Board/Committee reports, coordinate the activities of the various Boards, The Constitution and Bylaws of Timothy Lutheran Church of Woodstock, Inc. November 1, 2020 12 Committees and Officers within the Congregation and make decisions pertaining to the ministry of the Congregation; B. Record, and keep in books belonging to the Congregation, accurate minutes of all meetings, both regular and special, for the permanent records of the Congregation, and post copies of those minutes in a conspicuous place no later than two (2) weeks after each meeting; C. Appoint and announce a Nominating Committee and its Chairperson as prescribed in Article VI of the Bylaws; D. Affirm all appointments to Boards and Committees within the Congregation; and E. Appoint committees as needed to accomplish its goals; While voting responsibilities shall be limited to Officers, or their designated representatives, all meetings of the Church Council shall be open to the Congregation. While the Church Council is not primarily a decision-making body, serving primarily as a coordinating forum, it shall make recommendations to the Voters’ Assembly which it deems necessary to execute the overall Parish Program. Decisions of the Church Council may be appealed to the Voters’ Assembly. If any member of the Church Council is absent from three (3) consecutive meetings, without having been previously excused or sending a designated representative, the Church Council may declare the position vacant and notify the Congregation and Nominating Committee so that the position may be filled as stated in Article VI, Paragraph H of these Bylaws.