Welcome To Timothy Lutheran Church

Welcome to our congregation. Join us for worship and Bible class this Sunday!

We encourage you to "surf" our website for information that will both inform and inspire you. The once popular saying, "You can't tell a book by its' cover," needs to be updated in our Post-Modern world to read, "You can't tell a church by its' website!"

After you've spent sufficient time clicking and reading our pages, won't you take the opportunity to join us LIVE for Worship, Bible Study, and Fellowship on a Sunday morning at 8:30 or 11:00 am ? To get you prepared for your first opportunity, we hope you'll find the following information helpful.

What do I wear?  Clean, comfortable clothing! You don't have to be bound by suit and tie or formal dresses. As the Lord receives you as you are, so do we.

Where do I park?  Hopefully in one of our "visitor" designated spots in front of the main entrance. However, should those and other spots be filled, there is also a lower level for parking and stairway for walking up.

Where do I worship?  From the parking lot, proceed to the middle of the building through the main doors. Once you've been greeted, you can either turn left and go down the hallway to the sanctuary entrance. OR turn right and go through the Fellowship Hall to the sanctuary entrance. We worship in the semi-round? not a bad seat in the house!

What's worship like?  As our origins go back to the early Church, you will find a liturgical formula we follow consisting of songs and hymns of praise, confession and absolution of sins, scripture readings appointed for the day, a Biblically-based message by our minister, an opportunity to submit a prayer request that will be prayed during that service, special music or a children's sermon or puppet show on occasion, and celebration of the Lord's Supper according to schedule every Sunday.

Can I partake of the Lord's Supper?  We encourage you to read "My Personal Preparation for Holy Communion" usually found inside the worship bulletin. If you can answer, "yes" to the questions listed, you are welcome to join us.

You are always welcome to speak to Pastor or an Elder before communing the first time. Holy Communion is offered on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at the First Service (8:30 am) and on the 2nd and 4th Sundays at the Second Service (11 am). It is offered at both services on 5th Sundays.

What Christian Education is available on Sundays?  Sunday mornings at 9:45 is our education hour for all ages. Pre-schoolers through adults can find classes that will feed their souls spiritually. Please ask anyone about Sunday School for children and Bible Study for adults and join us!
